How to notify of a loss event

ERGO can be notified of a loss event in the following way:
  • Claim notification on ERGO's homepage
  • To the e-mail
    The notification sent via the homepage or e-mail is registered and the sender is contacted within two business days at the latest. It is explained what has to be done additionally.
  • By phone 610 6500
    The information is registered and further guidelines are given.
  • ERGO's offices
    More specific information about ERGO's offices can be read on the homepage of ERGO or by phone 610 6500 or
  • At the cooperation partners
    In order to save time it is convenient to turn to the cooperation partners of ERGO to notify of a claim and to clarify the scope of loss. At ERGO's cooperation partners you can submit a written claim notification, necessary documents and the car for inspection. All the clients, whose car is up to 5 years old and it has been maintained regularly, can turn directly to the car agency.