Accident insurance

Life is unforeseeable and none of us are safe from accidents. An accident may cause a reduction or loss of working ability, which in its turn results in financial problems arising from reduced income. The aim of ERGO accident insurance is to alleviate your financial problems and/or those of your family members. In ERGO you can choose combinations of different insurance indemnities, you can sign either an individual or family insurance contract.

ERGO accident insurance is valid round the clock while working as well as sporting, in Estonia as well as abroad. The insured person can either be a policyholder or a third person on behalf of whom the insurance contract is signed.

Permanent disability indemnity ensures best possibilities for alleviating financial problems for a longer time.

Treatment costs indemnity compensates for reasonable and justified treatment costs resulting from an accident, which are not paid for by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund.

Daily allowance compensates for loss of income for every treatment day while on sick leave, no matter, is it hospital or home treatment.

Compensation for pain and suffering offers one-time indemnity for temporary damage to health.

Death indemnity is designed for alleviating the financial problems of family members in case of death of the insured person. 

General terms and conditions