Motor TPL insurance

MTPL is mandatory for every vehicle registered in Estonia. This is used to compensate for the losses of the injured party. In Estonia, a paper copy of the MTPL insurance policy does not have to be carried along.


ERGO towing assistance

+372 655 5401

in the event of a loss event call

+372 610 6500

Our advantages

  • In case of a traffic accident, free 24/7 towing assistance for private cars and motorcycles in Europe, by calling ERGO Autoabi
  • We will take your private car or a motorcycle to a repair shop or a repository nearest to the scene for free (ERGO Liiklus+)
  • Loss adjustment, highly valued by customers
  • In case of a loss, ERGO will help you to take care of matters with the insurance undertaking of the party responsible for the traffic accident

Types of extra cover offered for ERGO Motor third party liability insurance!

ERGO Autoabi (roadside assistance) i
Free 24/7 towing assistance for private cars and vans in Europe, by calling ERGO Autoabi 655 5401.
Additional monthly payment of EUR 1 

Moose MoD i
The owner of the vehicle is compensated for damage incurred to the vehicle as a result of a col¬lision with big game (wolf, bear, lynx, wild boar, red deer, moose or roe-deer), which has unexpectedly run into the road..
Additional monthly payment of EUR 3 

Compensation of claims damage for a replacement vehicle i
The injured party is reimbursed reasonable costs of using a replacement vehicle after an insured event.  
Additional monthly payment of EUR 1 

Accident insurance of a driver i
Indemnity is paid if the traffic accident has caused permanent disability or death of the driver..
Additional monthly payment of EUR 0,5 

Please note! New types of extra cover can only be added to your contract at ERGO’s offices (at present, extra cover cannot be added in the e-office)


Green card

If you will be driving abroad with your vehicle, take the Green Card with you.
The Green Card is an international liability insurance certificate, on the basis of which the loss caused by the offender’s vehicle in a traffic accident is compensated to the injured party, according to the rules in the country of the accident.
Order the Green Card from ERGO e-office "My Contract" field or pick it up at ERGO’s office.
Read more from the Estonian Traffic Insurance Fund’s page.

Mandatory insurance

Buy additional comprehensive insurance - this way, the loss caused to your vehicle will be compensated.